Sunday, August 12, 2012

Here goes nothing!

Alright, here we go!  As a self-proclaimed teaching blog addict, I have wanted to start my own blog for some time now.  I've gone back and forth and wondered if I would have anything worth sharing, what I would write about, would anyone read it....and so forth.  So at long last, here I am...going for it!  I'm still not sure about any of those questions I originally had, but I'll never know if I don't try! 

This is my 3rd year teaching, and I'm tackling a kindergarten and first grade combination class for the second time.  (My 1st year teaching was a k-1 combo).  I'm a little apprehensive about doing the combo again, but I should be a pro now, right?!?!  Last year felt like a walk in the park teaching just the firsties, so I guess I'm due for another challenge.

In this blog, I hope to share some of my successes and challenges, trials and tribulations, and overall ups and downs of teaching two grade levels in one classroom.  I'm also really hoping to connect with some other teachers who have taught combination classes.  So, grab an ice cold Coke (or maybe a glass of red wine) and enjoy!

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